NOTE: it doesn’t matter where the info is for now, just as long as there’s a link to it. It can be in expms, projects, the colab notebook, the paper, etc. Usually, the notion writeups are more organized than the coalb notebook

The reason these are written out in records, rather than lazily generated ‘on the fly’ by asking gpt, is b/c these are specially tuned for your subjective memories and understanding. You take the time to select from what you think are the better formats, and so you save time needing to parse thru them again when you search them up later.

This also helps you focus on what’s “most relevant”. Without a list of this, you’re left stranded. It’s also to help you study/memorize what you deem as “most important”, since there is too much information out there.

EXPM (aim to discover more info about field to answer questions/hypothesis, not to tackle issues)



Pos/Neg/Further investigation needed (if results are applicable to a hypothesis w/ binary outcome)


TEST (not for its own sake, but used for solving ISSUES. more informal; like scripting is to programming)


REPRODUCIBILITY: Who has done it, how they did it, link to reproduced findings



SOLN (summary)

SOLN (detailed)

How (detailed process of how to apply soln)